The videos range from 5 minutes to 25 minutes, but on average they are a little under 10 minutes – so bite-sized for easy consumption.
You can watch them on your computer, your tablet or your mobile phone – you don’t need a huge screen to get the most out of them. In fact, we’ve designed them so they can be easily viewed on your phone at any time and any where.
We host the videos on a private account with Vimeo – meaning you will be able to access the videos (through our website) from wherever you are (assuming you have internet connection) and, fingers crossed, there should be no problem with delivery. The videos cannot be downloaded.
Which Tutorials Should I Watch First?
There is a lot of content and you’re not expected to view it all at once! It is a resource to call upon as the need arises, but obviously you’re investing in this program to improve your photography now – so where do you start?
Most photographers have adequate capture skills, so we’d suggest starting with the Composition series. Then, once you are creating stronger photographs in camera, move onto the Post-Production series, beginning with Curves, Levels and White Balance.
More advanced students might look at 32-Bit Processing and Blend Modes in the Post-Production section and then go to Output with the aim of producing a framed print or a photo book.
Peter has provided a series of ‘watch lists’ for people with specific interests or at particular points in their progression as photographers. He will also reference tutorials to watch in your Portfolio Review.