Hi there! Mark from ShotKit here! I'm really happy to recommend Peter Eastway's Landscape Photography MasterClass. Peter and I have known each other for many years and we have even worked on projects together - so I know his material is of high quality and it comes from one of the world's best photographers and educators.
Even better, Peter is currently offering ShotKit readers a 30% discount - just use the coupon code SHOTKIT30
Have a read about the MasterClass below. I think you'll love it and Peter offers a money-back guarantee - so you've nothing to lose and everything to gain! Enjoy!
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The Better Photography Landscape Photography MasterClass is a unique way to learn how to capture and create stunning photographs. This is your opportunity to learn first-hand from one of the world's leading landscape photographers, Peter Eastway. The MasterClass is designed to be self-paced, there are no exams, but we guarantee you'll learn to take and make better landscape photographs.
What Is A MasterClass?
The MasterClass is a collection of informative articles, movies and class critiques that can be viewed and read as often as you like. Explains Peter, "It aims to share essential techniques and experiences I have collected over many years, not just from my own work, but from that of the many famous photographers I have interviewed and worked with for the magazine." View the movies, read the articles and you will quickly learn techniques and tricks to advance your own photography. Nothing is held back and you will not only see where Peter works, but how he crafts and edits his images in post-production.
What's In A MasterClass?
There are 18 MasterClasses in the program. Each MasterClass comprises six components.
- FINE ART takes a hero photograph and explains exactly how it was created, from capture through to post-production.
- CRITIQUE explains how to improve images that were submitted by earlier class participants, so you can get some real-world feedback.
- KNOWLEDGE discusses the techniques and equipment needed to produce top quality landscape photographs.
- POST-PRODUCTION takes one or two techniques from a program like Photoshop and describes in detail how to use them.
- ACUMEN discusses the business side of landscape photography, whether you want to be a full-time professional or just earn some pocketmoney.
- JOURNEY describes a photogenic location for landscape photography, a place you might want to put on your own 'to visit' list.
- The six components in each MasterClass are presented as three movies to view (around 5 to 15 minutes each) and three articles to read.
For a complete list of the MasterClass contents, click here.
When Does The MasterClass Start?
You can start a Landscape Photography MasterClass today! You have a lifetime subscription, so there is no hurry to get through the material. You can take your time to view and read at your own pace, and return as often as you like to refresh your memory and perhaps re-discover tips and ideas. You can complete the MasterClass in a couple of weeks, or take 18 months (one MasterClass per month). Realistically, there is a lot of material and information within the MasterClass, so while it's possible to read it all in a week or so, becoming a great landscape photographer will take a little longer. However, we guarantee that if you engage with the material over the next 3 to 6 months, you will be a significantly better photographer.
Who Is Peter Eastway?
There are a lot of great photographers and teachers in the world, so finding one that suits the way you think and take photographs is important. You want to feel confident that what you're being taught is not only factually correct, but is practical. In other words, does it make sense and can you use it? This is where the Landscape Photography MasterClass has a great advantage. The course has been written and presented by Peter Eastway who has specific expertise in all these areas:
- Peter has been a professional photographer for over 30 years. He is an AIPP Grand Master of Photography and the past Chairman of the AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards.
- He has won the Australian Professional Photographer of the Year Award twice, and the Australian Landscape Photographer of the Year three times. He has also won over 200 awards in Australia, UK, Europe, USA, New Zealand and Japan for his work at a professional level.
- Peter is also the publisher of Better Photography magazine, so he has great communication skills. Not only does he know how to take and create amazing photographs, he can explain his techniques clearly and simply.
- Peter was asked by Lonely Planet to write a whole book on landscape photography in 2002.
- You may have seen Peter presenting online for Phase One medium format digital cameras and Capture One raw processing software. He also featured in Tales By Light, a television series about professional photographers which you can view on Netflix.
But finally, the main question you should ask is, do you like Peter's style of photography? You will see many of his images on the Better Photography website, or you can take a visit to his personal website and look around (you'll find it at www.petereastway.com). The MasterClass will show you exactlly how he achieves his style and uses his techniques.
What Are Some Of The Things I Will learn?
The KNOWLEDGE sections provide the building blocks for great landscape photography technique. This is the essential equipment and information you need out in the field so you can bring back high quality captures.
- Which cameras are best for landscape photography?
- What lenses capture the best landscape photographs?
- Why the smallest aperture isn't necessarily the best for landscapes.
- What type of tripod works best for landscape photography?
- Choosing a camera bag for comfortable landscape work.
- Useful accessories and gadgets for better landscape photographs.
- Controlling colour temperature and managing white balance in the field.
- Determining correct exposure for difficult landscapes.
- Finding great light and making the most of it.
- Stitching images for panoramic landscapes.
- Computers, monitors and hard drives - post-production tools.
- Shooting aerial landscapes.
- Composition - a series of articles on framing, horizons, centres of interest, balance, rule of thirds, colour, contrast and so on.
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Each Landscape Photography MasterClass movie can be played and re-played.
What About Photoshop and Post Production?
One you have captured a high quality raw file, the fun has just begun. This is the beginning of an amazing journey of discovery and transformation. You will be simply amazed how easily you can edit your images so they are absolutely breathtaking. Many people have commented how easy the techniques are, once you know how.
- Processing a raw file to get the best quality.
- Setting the correct white balance and managing colour casts.
- Using luminosity masking to control tonal distribution.
- Controlling mood and emotion with colour overlays.
- Vignetting - how to maintain interest in the middle of your image.
- Lab Color - Is the alternative to RGB the best thing since sliced bread?
- Nik Viveza 2 - another way of working if you don't want to use layers.
- Local contrast - two ways to make your photos reallly pop.
- Using channels to control the hue/saturation tool.
- Making selections for local adjustments.
- Controlling sharpness for output.
And there are three movies in the special reference section that outline exactly how to use layers in Photoshop. These movies demystify the most powerful techniques in Photoshop and, being movies, you can replay them as often as you need to, following along every mouse click at your own rate. These movies have been purchased by thousands of photographers and have received univeral acclaim for being so easy to understand.
How Does This Make Me A Better Landscape Photographer?
Most great painters and photographers have learned from other great painters and photographers. Many of the most famous names in photography worked as assistants before starting out on their own. The time they spent 'in school' with more experienced photographers allowed them to master their art more quickly and more completely. It gave them a head start in developing their own style and reputation.
Of course, it's not possible for everyone to be an assistant, so other opportunities such as workshops, seminars and courses are a great oppotunity to listen and learn from experienced photographers. The Landscape Photography MasterClass is an in-depth workshop with the advantage you can do it in your own time and replay it as often as you like.
Everytime you take a photograph, you are drawing on a database of information, ideas and influences. If you've never been taught how to look for photographs, or never worked with another photographer, the MasterClass is an ideal way to learn first hand from a world-renowned landscape photographer, and develop your own database.
Is This The Right Course For Me?
Different people approach photography in different ways. Landscape photography is no different. You can take 'pure' landscape photographs with a traditional bent, or more avante garde landscapes with a painterly feeling. The Landscape Photography MasterClass covers both approaches, but as you can see from Peter's style, he is a strong believer in using post-production.
Explained Peter, "Modern cameras today are so good that anyone can take a great photograph. However, the days of accepting a photograph straight out of the camera as being the final result are long gone. Every good image you see in books, magazines, on television and the internet has had some Photoshop post-production. Post-production is an essential skill and the difference in style generally comes down to how much post-production is applied.
"I teach the idea of 'invisible Photoshop', meaning experienced photographers may guess your image has been enhanced, but they can't point to exactly where.
"John Sexton was Ansel Adam's last assistant. He printed for Ansel and is a great photographer in his own right. When you look at his images, they seem so real and natural that you could almost walk into them. However, as John admits, both he and Ansel would work their prints to create this 'naturalness'. Post-production in the darkroom was a part of their artistic process and the only difference today is that we use Photoshop, Lightroom or Capture One instead."
The Secret Ingredient
Learning the skills in the Landscape Photography MasterClass will allow you to determine how much post-production you need to apply. The MasterClass is designed to give you a set of techniques, visual approaches and ideas that will allow you to develop your own individual style.
If you're wanting to win a photo competition, exhibit your work or simply produce a portfolio of stunning photographs to show your friends and family, then the MasterClass will give you a whole new way of looking at photography.
Asked if there is one technique that really established his style, Peter answered, "It's my use of layers in Photoshop. I cover the practical use of layers in three special movies in the Reference section, but it's when you view the FINE ART movies, and watch how I use layers to build up the drama and tension in my images, that you'll really understand what I mean.
"I've had many MasterClass students send me a note of thanks, saying that watching Fine Art movies really made everything crystal clear.
"The techniques themselves are not difficult or complicated, but you need to have them as a foundation for your photography. With that foundation, the way you see and interpret becomes incredibly liberating. It means you can turn an ordinary photograph into an amazing, sparkling, engaging landscape."
How Do I Join The Landscape MasterClass?
Joining the Landscape Photography MasterClass is as easy as clicking on the Courses & Subscriptions link to the left. However, you can also view the first MasterClass chapter for free, so maybe that's the first place to go.
Although we recommend starting with the first MasterClass and working through the material, you can read or view any of the material at any time and in any order.
When Should You Start?
As you may have gathered, we're trying to give you all the information we can to encourage you to sign up to the MasterClass now. There's no time like the present to begin a new stage of your photographic development!
Money Back Guarantee
However, we also offer a full-refund guarantee. If at any time in the next six months you decide the Landscape Photography MasterClass is not for you, for any reason, we will refund your subscription. We look upon your subscription as the beginning of a partnership. We'll be introducing more subscriptions and publications in the future, so we want to ensure you feel comfortable about purchasing from us.
What Happens If I Have Problems?
Every now and then, a subscriber will make contact because there has been a problem with their connection or access. We do our best from our end to ensure the issue is resolved as quickly as possible, but if there's a problem we simply can't solve, we will refund your subscription.
Subscribe Now!
This is the section where we try to encourage you to sign up, but there's no pressure. Take your time and make the decision that's right for you. However, if you haven't already, we would suggest you view some of the sample lessons to see if you like what what we do. If so, we'd be delighted to welcome you aboard as a Landscape Photography MasterClass member.
And don't forget to use the coupon code SHOTKIT30 to get your 30% discount! Enter the coupon code in the shopping cart and press Apply to get the discounted price now!