The Better Photography Landscape Photography MasterClass is a unique way to learn how to capture and create stunning photographs. This is your opportunity to learn first-hand from one of the world's leading landscape photographers, Peter Eastway. The MasterClass is designed to be self-paced, there are no exams, but we guarantee you'll learn to take and make better landscape photographs.
Check out just some of photographs and below, or see a full list of the contents CLICK HERE.
Zabriskie Point
Light & Nik Viveza
Stirling Ranges
Composition & High Pass Filter
Falkland Islands
Colour Temperature & Vignetting
Colour Control with Channels
Great Barrier Reef
Shooting Aerials & Making Selections
Pilbara Storm
Accessories & Local Contrast
Oxers Lookout
Stitching & Panoramas
Nevis Valley
Exposure and Lab Color
Mt Nemrut
Lenses & Soft Light Dodge and Burn
Ishak Pasha Palace
Composition & Big Black and White
Monte Fitz Roy
Cameras & Raw Processing
Elephant Island
Camera Bags & Colour Balance
Cappella di Vitaletta
Tripods & Luminosity Masking
Cape Palliser
Apertures & Multi Raw Processing