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Post-Production MasterClass - Travel

Post-Production MasterClass - Travel

There are thousands of videos and courses on how to use Lightroom. The best ones do more than show you the mechanics of making a photo lighter or more colourful, they give you an insight into how the photographer is thinking and of how the photograph can be creatively edited.

If you like the look and feeling of the travel photos above, this series of video tutorials will take you from the raw file and process it, in real time, showing and explaining the steps involved and the thought-process behind them. Yes, it shows you the sliders and menu items used, of course, but more than that, you get to see how an image can be transformed from something that was good to something much better.

You might also notice that some of the photos start of quite dark - and there's a reason for this as well. These are real photos from real travel shoots, processed to provide you with an insight to the creative processes involved.

Each video is approximately ten minutes in length, so bite sized for easy consumption!

Duration: Lifetime
Price: AUS $39.90